The AquaTru Under Sink purifier is designed to provide you with clean and safe drinking water, utilizing the same high-quality filters that are found in our countertop purification units. This ensures that you receive the same level of purification and reliability, whether you choose to install it under your sink or use it on your countertop. Each type of filter has a specific lifespan, which is important to keep in mind for optimal performance and water quality.
Pre-Filter (yellow): The pre-filter, which is distinguished by its yellow color, has a lifespan of six months or 600 gallons of water, depending on which of these thresholds is reached first. This filter plays a crucial role in capturing larger particles and sediments from your water supply, thereby prolonging the life of the subsequent filters. Regular replacement of the pre-filter is essential to maintain the system's efficiency and to ensure that your drinking water remains free from impurities.
RO Filter (blue): The reverse osmosis (RO) filter, identifiable by its blue hue, boasts a longer lifespan of two years or 1200 gallons of water, again depending on which comes first. This filter is at the heart of the purification process, effectively removing dissolved solids, contaminants, and various harmful substances from your water. Its longevity is a testament to its robust design and effectiveness. To guarantee the highest quality of water, it is important to monitor the usage and replace the RO filter as recommended.
pH + Mineral Boost VOC Alkaline Filter (green): The final filter in the system is the pH + Mineral Boost VOC Alkaline filter, which is easily recognizable by its green color. This filter has a lifespan of one year or 360 gallons, whichever is reached first. This filter not only enhances the taste of your water by adding essential minerals back into it but also helps to balance the pH level, making your drinking water more alkaline. Regular replacement of this filter is vital to ensure that you continue to enjoy the health benefits associated with mineral-rich water.
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